UX inspiration

I recently watched a video of a pianist performing John Cage's 4'33”. It is quite an inspiring performance, especially when we consider the pianist's use of silence and how this also has relevance for usability moderated tests. In the video, we see the pianist first sit at the piano, then, he places a score on the stand, sets a stopwatch, and...

“The areas of consensus shift unbelievably fast,… the bubbles of certainty are constantly exploding. Any architectural project we do takes at least four or five years, so increasingly there is a discrepancy between the acceleration of culture and the continuing slowness of architecture.” Rem Koolhaas My passion for architecture led me to an interview with Rem Koolhaas in which he made the...

UX designers are constantly looking for ways to connect with and understand the needs of all users. For this reason, in the field of UX design, it is important to consider not only the usability and practicality of a product or service, but also the broader philosophical and cultural context that can inform and enrich the design process. Susan Sontag’s...

In the field of art, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Antonio Canova, and Medardo Rosso are renowned for their contributions as sculptors; however, their work also can have relevance as UX inspiration. This article will explore the ways in which the techniques and approaches of these three sculptors have connections to principles of UX design, and how their work can inspire and inform...